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All White Garden Bridal Bouquet


Classic White Wrist Corsage


Garden Bridal Bouquet


Large White Rose & Spray White Rose Pin Corsage


Peach Spray Roses Boutonniere


Pink & Purple Wrist Corsage


Pink & White Rose Pin Corsage


Pink & White Wrist Corsage


Purity Bridal Bouquet


Shades of Purple Bridal Bouquet


Spray Roses Blush Pink - Bulk and Wholesale


Spray Roses Hot Pink - Bulk and Wholesale


Spray Roses Ivory - Bulk and Wholesale


Spray Roses Light Pink - Bulk and Wholesale


Spray Roses Orange - Bulk and Wholesale


Spray Roses Peach - Bulk and Wholesale


Spray Roses Red - Bulk and Wholesale


Spray Roses White - Bulk and Wholesale


Spray Roses Yellow - Bulk and Wholesale


Sunset Bridal Bouquet


Touches of Fall Bridal Bouquet


Vibrant Cake Topper - Bulk and Wholesale


White Spray Rose Pin Corsage


White Spray Rose Wrist Corsage


Yellow Spray Rose Pin Corsage


All White Garden Bridal Bouquet


A garden styled hand-tied bridal bouquet, with an assortment of ivory roses, white spray roses, hypericum berries, with textured greenery such as seeded eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and Italian ruscus touches. Tied together with an ivory satin ribbon and pearl pins.  This is aprox.11inch wide. 

Classic White Wrist Corsage


A classic wrist corsage with white spray roses, baby's breath, touch of greenery, finished with a white ribbon, and an elastic bracelet.  

Garden Bridal Bouquet


A textured styled hand-tied bridal bouquet, with an assortment of peach roses, peach spray roses, roses, pink astilbe, succulent, leucadendron, privet berries, with gunni eucalyptus touches. Tied together with an ivory satin ribbon and pearl pins.  This is aprox.12inch wide.   

Large White Rose & Spray White Rose Pin Corsage


A female pin corsage with white rose, white spray roses, baby's breath, touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin, finished with a white ribbon. 

Peach Spray Roses Boutonniere


A classic male boutonniere with peach spray roses, touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin. 

Pink & Purple Wrist Corsage


A fun and colorful wrist corsage with mini carnations, spray roses, limonium greenery touches and an elastic bracelet, finished with a pink ribbon. 

Pink & White Rose Pin Corsage


A female pin corsage with pink roses. white spray roses, wax flower, touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin, finished with a white ribbon and a few diamond pins. 

Pink & White Wrist Corsage


A wrist corsage with pink dendrobium orchids, white spray roses, touch of greenery, finished with a white ribbon, and an elastic bracelet.  

Purity Bridal Bouquet


A classic hand tied bridal bouquet, with white roses, white spray roses, white mini calla and greenery touches. Tied together with a white satin ribbon and finished with diamond pins.  Aprox 12 inch wide.   

Shades of Purple Bridal Bouquet


A classic styled bridal hand tied bouquet, in shades of purple and touches of white/ivory, with an assortment of roses, freesia, lisianthus, spray roses, and touches of salal along the edges. Finished with a lavender ribbon and pearl pins.  This is aprox.10 inch wide.     

Spray Roses Blush Pink - Bulk and Wholesale


Embrace the beauty of blush pink Spray Roses, featuring cascades of graceful blossoms that bring an element of elegance and sophistication to floral compositions. Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Spray Roses Hot Pink - Bulk and Wholesale


Embrace the beauty of hot pink Spray Roses, featuring cascades of graceful blossoms that bring an element of elegance and sophistication to floral compositions.  Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Spray Roses Ivory - Bulk and Wholesale


Embrace the beauty of ivory Spray Roses, featuring cascades of graceful blossoms that bring an element of elegance and sophistication to floral compositions.  Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Spray Roses Light Pink - Bulk and Wholesale


Embrace the beauty of light pink Spray Roses, featuring cascades of graceful blossoms that bring an element of elegance and sophistication to floral compositions.  Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Spray Roses Orange - Bulk and Wholesale


Embrace the beauty of orange Spray Roses, featuring cascades of graceful blossoms that bring an element of elegance and sophistication to floral compositions.  Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Spray Roses Peach - Bulk and Wholesale


Embrace the beauty of peach Spray Roses, featuring cascades of graceful blossoms that bring an element of elegance and sophistication to floral compositions.  Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Spray Roses Red - Bulk and Wholesale


Embrace the beauty of red Spray Roses, featuring cascades of graceful blossoms that bring an element of elegance and sophistication to floral compositions.  Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Spray Roses White - Bulk and Wholesale


Embrace the beauty of white Spray Roses, featuring cascades of graceful blossoms that bring an element of elegance and sophistication to floral compositions.  Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Spray Roses Yellow - Bulk and Wholesale


Embrace the beauty of yellow Spray Roses, featuring cascades of graceful blossoms that bring an element of elegance and sophistication to floral compositions. Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Sunset Bridal Bouquet


A semi-textured style hand-tied bridal bouquet, with an assortment of italian ruscus, mini calla, spray roses, roses, and freesia. Tied together with an ivory satin ribbon and pearl pins.  This is aprox.11inch wide. 

Touches of Fall Bridal Bouquet


A semi-textured hand tied bridal bouquet, with burnt orange mini calla, yellow roses, orange roses, sunflowers, red hypericum berries, white spray roses, burgundy leucadendron and greenery touches. Tied with a white satin ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox 11 inch wide. 

Vibrant Cake Topper - Bulk and Wholesale


A cake topper designed with pink roses, green mini hydrangea, green hypericum berries, orange spray roses, touches of greenery, in a small oasis dish to sit directly on top of cake.  Aprox. 6 inch wide. 

White Spray Rose Pin Corsage


A classic female pin corsage with white spray roses, baby's breath, touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin, finished with a white ribbon. 

White Spray Rose Wrist Corsage


A wrist corsage with white spray roses, touch of greenery, finished with a black ribbon, and an elastic bracelet.  

Yellow Spray Rose Pin Corsage


A female pin corsage with yellow spray roses, baby's breath, touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin, finished with a yellow ribbon.