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Filter By Flower Fragility


Hint of Peach Bridal Bouquet


Neutral toned Cascading Bridal Bouquet


Wax Flower Hot Pink - Bulk and Wholesale


Wax Flower Pink - Bulk and Wholesale


Wax Flower White - Bulk and Wholesale


White Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet


Hint of Peach Bridal Bouquet


A garden and textured style hand-tied bridal bouquet, with an assortment of eucalyptuses, touch of Italian ruscus, ranunculus, roses, garden roses, wax flower, and lisianthus. Tied together with an ivory satin ribbon and pearl pins.  This is aprox.12 inch wide. 

Neutral toned Cascading Bridal Bouquet


A classic styled cascading bridal bouquet, in white and ivory tones, with an assortment of roses, freesia, lisianthus, wax flower, and finished with touches of Italian ruscus and salal. This bouquet comes with a bridal bouquet holder as base.  This is aprox.10 inch wide by aprox. 15 inch long.     

Wax Flower Hot Pink - Bulk and Wholesale


Indulge in the enchanting allure of hot pink Wax Flowers, featuring tiny, waxy blooms and an aromatic scent that bring a touch of whimsy and fragrance to floral compositions.

Wax Flower Pink - Bulk and Wholesale


Indulge in the enchanting allure of pink Wax Flowers, featuring tiny, waxy blooms and an aromatic scent that bring a touch of whimsy and fragrance to floral compositions.

Wax Flower White - Bulk and Wholesale


Indulge in the enchanting allure of white Wax Flowers, featuring tiny, waxy blooms and an aromatic scent that bring a touch of whimsy and fragrance to floral compositions. 

White Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet


A classic hand-tied bridesmaid bouquet with white roses, white wax, greenery touches, tied with a white ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox. 5 inch wide.