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Garden Bridal Bouquet


Leucadendron Pink - Bulk and Wholesale


Leucadendron Red - Bulk and Wholesale


Touches of Fall Bridal Bouquet


Garden Bridal Bouquet


A textured styled hand-tied bridal bouquet, with an assortment of peach roses, peach spray roses, roses, pink astilbe, succulent, leucadendron, privet berries, with gunni eucalyptus touches. Tied together with an ivory satin ribbon and pearl pins.  This is aprox.12inch wide.   

Leucadendron Pink - Bulk and Wholesale


Discover the enchanting allure of pink Leucadendron, boasting cone-like blooms and vibrant foliage that bring a touch of intrigue and sophistication to floral designs.

Leucadendron Red - Bulk and Wholesale


Discover the enchanting allure of red Leucadendron, boasting cone-like blooms and vibrant foliage that bring a touch of intrigue and sophistication to floral designs.

Touches of Fall Bridal Bouquet


A semi-textured hand tied bridal bouquet, with burnt orange mini calla, yellow roses, orange roses, sunflowers, red hypericum berries, white spray roses, burgundy leucadendron and greenery touches. Tied with a white satin ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox 11 inch wide.